Post by Heidi on Nov 3, 2014 20:47:29 GMT -5
The Queen is back!!! <3 I am so excited for this game. I have not played an ORG in so long and this is one of the only series I would come back for. Time to kick ass and show these people how to play Survivor!!!
So I did not envision myself at the first Judgement. The other tribes really dominated that first challenge. I don't think our tribe sucks but I also don't think Jamie not being online was the reason we lost. The other tribes finished before we had even found all our letters. I was doing the challenge from my iPad so I probably wasn't being as fast as I would have been if I was on a computer. But regardless we got our asses kicked and here we are.
I am getting really good vibes from RC and Malcolm so far. Ian seems pretty good too. Like Vecepia said she hasn't really been around as much which is causing some people to want to vote her out but she did such a good job in the challenge she's not going anywhere. Which leaves Jamie and Silas. I honestly thought that Jamie would be the vote. He is the easy choice, we can just say that he wasn't here and is the reason we lost. But this is All Stars, not just some regular season where you take the easy out.
Malcolm mentioned that Silas and Ethan were really close in their season. It's a good thing someone did their CYS research because I sure as hell didn't. But anyway Ethan is joining our tribe and he might have an idol with him. If he has an ally in Silas that is bad enough for the rest of us. The only thing worse than a pair is a pair with an idol. So the majority of my tribe (RC, Malcolm, Ian) has decided to vote out Silas. Malcolm was going to let Jamie in on the plan. I am pretty sure he will do anything because he probably thinks he is on the chopping block. And someone can tell Vecepia so hopefully this will be a 6-1 vote. I get a weird vibe from Silas anyway so it's a good thing that we are getting him out early.
And then we'll have Ethan on our tribe who I guess is pretty good in challenges so hopefully we won't be seeing you again anytime soon Damien!!! kluvubye [/font]
Post by Heidi on Nov 9, 2014 10:43:25 GMT -5
So let me begin my saying how thankful I am that we won immunity. Or rather I am thankful that Malcolm is on this tribe. Since he was pretty much the reason we won. He is also the only person on my tribe who I talk to on a consistent basis and trust. I talk to Silas too, and it's not that I don't trust him but I voted him out the first round so I can only imagine that he has it out for me. I really liked RC but ever since she voted Vecepia we haven't talked much so I'm really not sure what's going on with her. The other person I've talked to a little bit is Ian. But other than that I haven't talked to anyone. I am just kind of going with the flow here. I didn't envision my game to be this low key but maybe it's for the best since it's still super early and it may be better for me to come off as a wounded animal that needs rescuing than the queen of the jungle.
I honestly think I would have been on the chopping block had we lost so I have to do something about that. I almost asked RC if I would be in trouble if we lost before the results but I'm glad I held off. I don't want to be seen as paranoid. Obviously it would be great if we kept winning but we are bound to go back to Judgement at some point so I have to figure out how to not get voted out. Usually I am in a good place on my tribe and hate tribe swaps but I wouldn't mind one in the next few rounds. So if you could do that for me Damien I would love you forever <3
Post by Heidi on Nov 10, 2014 19:00:54 GMT -5
Post by Heidi on Nov 12, 2014 17:01:33 GMT -5
So votes are due in 5 hours and I have no idea what is going on. I am nervous for many reasons. I'll name a few: I am the Queen of CYS, I am the only person eligible to be voted out that was in the minority last round, I haven't done that great in challenges this season, and I haven't talked to many people on my tribe. But that last reason isn't my fault because my tribe SUCKS! No one ever talks. And it's not just me that's noticed it. I am talking to Brian right now and he said I am the only person who has messaged him. I talked to Silas and RC but neither of them mentioned any names for the vote, only that we should vote together as a tribe against one person so that way Brian and Savage's votes don't have any impact. While I do like that idea I have no idea if it's actually going to happen. I told both of them that I would either be voting Ethan, Jamie, or Ian. For all I know the whole tribe is planning to vote for me because tribes don't suck this much in All Star games. So yeah right now I am talking to Savage and Brian who aren't even my tribemates. If I make it past this round can we please have a mutiny? LOL.